Our Vision & Dreams

My choice is to work at home - developing something sustainable,
something that will contribute light, improve the standard of living,
in these very communities that raised me."
- Julious Piti, Director
Our Vision
PORET is dedicated to improving local farmers' access to and use of resources, means of production and participation in decision making process.
PORET addresses challenges that are affecting the communities it operates in both locally and on a global level, such as poverty, ignorance, disease, food security, water management, and climate change. We do this by setting an example, through research, training, and support.
We want to:
develop environmentally sound agricultural projects in the Chakohwa area together with their beneficiaries
facilitate community-based sustainable creation of wealth, using available local resources
facilitate the equitable and wise use of ecosystems, and a conservation of biodiversity and natural resources that integrates socio-economic development.
Through PORET's work, the living standard of the whole region can be influenced in a positive way. Locally, we can reach 200 families. And we hope that as more farms adopt the techniques, they will in turn serve as models for others to copy and implement elsewhere.
Our Goal: Look and Learn, Learn by doing
Our main focus lies in creating practical examples to learn from. This includes the maintenance and expansion of the Chaseyama Project Base as a Permaculture Training Centre, and supporting other farmers in adopting the techniques on their own land. These will, in in turn, become demonstration and training site in their own right.
The Permaculture Training Centre
We are well on our way towards developing a Permaculture Training Centre that serves as a community-based resource centre for youths and adults. This offers training programs on a regular basis. We are continually upgrading the Centre, adding small-scale irrigation and planting more trees.
Our training programs aim to unite and empower the small farming communities in the area, to create sustainable socio-economic conditions, promoting ecological land use management of natural resources as well as awareness and behaviour change regarding health, and improving food security and marketing.
We run a kindergarten on site because small children of the area cannot travel 5km to the nearby primary school. This provides an opportunity to engage with parents and share agroecology methods.
We also plan on expanding the facilities to include a sub-health centre/clinic, to have greater skills on the uses of herbs to maintain community health.
Much is yet to be done to bring our visions to reality. Our plans include:
Organisational development
To build organisational capacity
Administration work on all levels
Workshops, AGM, meetings
To explore, create and develop own healthy living environments
To develop research projects in the community in the area of sustainable agriculture, environmental management and network with other institutions
Documentation and preservation of social knowledge and skills
Share plant materials
Facilitate local exchange visits
Receive visitors, showing and training them in permaculture, our area of expertise
Train local farmers in permaculture by improving their homesteads as demonstrations sites.
Set up training examples based on upgrading creative skills of communities.
Permaculture training for children and youth.
Organise and conduct creative activities to prepare people to make informed decisions.
Initiate programmes on health and nutrition that involve HIV-positive individuals and providing parental guidance to HIV orphans.
Widen membership drive by facilitating the formation of other permaculture groups around Zimbabwe.